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New York Office LAN Network Topologies

New York Office LAN Network Topologies


Setting up a network topology requires the know-how of the type of topology to be used and its effectiveness. Essentially, there are two definitions of network geometry which include the physical and logical (signal) topology. Each of the categories has a difference in the arrangement sequences in addition to that. Most workstations use the physical topology due to the effectiveness of the geometry used.

The new office location in New York

The New York area identified for the new office must meet several requirements (Gralla, 2011). First, the location must have access to an Ethernet connection cables, have a network scanner for obtaining inventories for all other devices connected to this network, a netbrute scanner for network security, and a LAN speed test for ensuring the network speed is up to the required standards.

From the list of topologies, it is necessary to look into the specific characteristics of each of them so that we can identify the best to use. The first category is the bus topology. In this type of LAN, the workstations are connected to the bus, which is the main cable that contains the data. All workstations along the wire receive any traffic generated by a single computer. Small networks having a maximum of five computers work well with such a topology. The performance of this system may be lowered by an increase in the number of computers due to the increased traffic. Any technical hitch along the cable leads to disrupted functioning of all computers (Rouse, 2016).

The star or hub topology is a typical network in most offices and homes due to the installation cost and ease of troubleshooting. The computers are connected to a hub thus making it safer to use. If any computer fails, it has no effect on the others. The challenge would be if the hub should fail since the whole system ceases to function. The other is the ring topology whereby the computers are connected to a cable that is single and circular. Therefore, the signals travel in the circular loop in a single direction, passing through each connected computer. Data transmission is improved through the use of tokens. This system allows for multiple LANs on a large scale.

The fourth is mesh topology whereby computers are connected to each other using separate cables. This connection ensures that no network or information is lost in any case one computer fails, thus making it more efficient and safe. It also offers allowance for multiple LANs connection through the various Ethernet cables. The multiple paths through this network provide enough backup for the system (Administrator, 2016).


In consideration of the LAN topologies discussed, the most preferable to use for our new office would be the Mesh topology. Bearing in mind that our firm operates on a large scale, there is a need for a system that can accommodate the traffic generated by the connected computers without causing a network jam. Secondly, the system needs to ensure the data from each computer is safe even in the face of a computer failure. Our operations require continuity (Administrator, 2016). Thus, the topology of choice should promise this factor. Considering all those factors; the Mesh topology would be the best option for our office in New York.


Administrator. (2016). LAN Network Topologies. .

Gralla, P. (2011). 10 Must-Have Utilities for Small Networks. PC World.

Rouse, M. (2016). Network Topology. .

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