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Microsoft Project 2013

IT 328: Milestone Six Guidelines and Rubric

Prompt:Using Microsoft Project 2013, build a work breakdown structure (WBS) for your chosen final project scenario.In this phase, you need to use the skills you have learned to determine the WBS for your project. Start with the top-level goal of your projectand then start breaking it down into various parts. Rememberthat at this point you do not have to know all the technical details, but you do need to determine what must be done. If you know that you need a web server, this will need to be a task, even if you have never set one up. And that task can be broken down into more tasks, such as “price web server,” “purchase web server,” “install web server,” and so on. Use any method you like to start breaking down your project. Feel free to use the discussion forums to ask your peers for opinions on specific task breakdown points.

Once you have started to break down your tasks, you will need to place those tasks into a Microsoft Project file. Start up Microsoft Project 2013 and start a new project. The main view you should see will be the task list. For this milestone, the focus will be on the Task Name column. You will need to add your tasks for your WBS to this area. One of the key parts of this WBS is the project feature to “indent”a task. On the first line you should place your main task (all other tasks will be subtasks of the main task). Add your next task on the next line and use the Indent Task button to indent that task. When you do, a small triangle should appear on the main task that will allow you to expand or collapse the task list. Continue adding tasks and subtasks for your scenario in this manner. You should have at least three levels of tasks. Create subtasks only when you have at least two subtasks for a given task. How many total tasks should you have? You should have enough to make it clear to a viewer what all the tasks are that need to take place to complete your project. These tasks should be broken down in a logical manner—by location, department, function, type, or anything else that fits with your project.

Requirements of Submission: This milestone submission should be completed using Microsoft Project and should consist of a task list in a Project file.

Instructor Feedback: Students can find their feedback in the Grade Center.


Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
WBS: Tasks Lists at least 15 individual tasks (23-25) Lists 12–14 individual tasks   (20-22) Lists 9–11 individual tasks   (18-19) Lists 6–9 individual tasks   (0-17) 25
WBS: Subtasks Lists at least three levels of subtasks, including at least two subtasks each time a task is broken down into subtasks (23-25) Lists two levels of subtasks, including at least two subtasks each time a task is broken down into subtasks   (20-22) Lists two levels of subtasks, but tasks are broken down into just one subtask     (18-19) Lists one level of subtasks; tasks are broken down into one subtask     (0-17) 25
WBS: Task Organization The main task is broken down logically into at least six main subtasks     (23-25) The main task is broken down logically into four or five main subtasks     (20-22) The main task is broken down logically into only two or three subtasks, or breakdown is not done in a logical manner (18-19) The main task includes only one subtask       (0-17) 25
Schedule Schedule is organized with a logical order; all tasks have a defined duration with prerequisites (23-25) Most tasks have defined durations; may have a few with no prerequisites   (20-22) Most tasks have a default duration; few tasks have prerequisite tasks   (18-19) Default duration for all tasks and/or no prerequisites for tasks   (0-17) 25
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