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Your local TV station spends relatively little time covering discussions about the nuclear deal with Iran or the imminent implosion of the Greek

  1. Your local TV station spends relatively little time covering discussions about the nuclear deal with Iran or the imminent implosion of the Greek economy. Instead, they run a lengthy story about a gruesome crime and a human interest story about a cat whose kittens have heart-shaped markings on their bodies. The local station is demonstrating the __ perspective on news.
    a. marketing
    b. commercialism
    c. geographic
    d. branding
  2. In 1964, the Coast Guard received several dozen telegrams from people who wanted the military to send a ship to Gilligan’s Island to rescue the seven stranded castaways. This is an example of:
    a. a range in perception of reality
    b. adult discount
    c. automaticity
    d. plausibility
  3. What factor is most likely the most important explanation for the dramatic consolidation of media industries around the globe over the last 30 years?
    a. Content innovation in the form of regional variants of global brands
    b. De-regulation by the Federal Communication Commission and the Federal Trade Commission
    c. Technological change that facilitated providing specialized content to narrower audiences
    d. Aggressive capital investment by Chinese-owned and controlled companies
  4. In class, we discussed a number of studies that examined the effects of corporate ownership and integration on media content. The consensus seems to be that as mergers and acquisitions result in larger, more horizontally integrated companies:
    a. The quality and diversity of content does not change much
    b. The quality and diversity of content improves
    c. The quality and diversity of content is diminished
    d. Depending on the medium, the quality and diversity of content may improve or diminish

1) In order for a copyright holder of a song to successfully pursue a claim against a musician who samples her or his work, what standard has to be met with regard to the sample itself?
a) The musician/owner must recognize it
b) The sample must have words/singing
c) Someone familiar with the song must find the sample recognizable
d) Sampling is legal
2) John made a documentary about the pepper-spray incident. He wants everyone to see it, copy it, and use it. He doesn’t care about money. He doesn’t want ‘the man’ making money from it, either. What should John do?
a) Just publish it. Everybody pirates stuff anyway.
b) License it using a creative commons license.
c) Not copyright it by not filing the necessary paperwork.
d) None of the above

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