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People’s weights (Java)

Warm up: People’s weights (Java)

Instructor notes

While you will be submitting this assignment through Zybooks, make sure you are still applying appropriate formatting and in-line commenting.

(1) Prompt the user to enter five numbers, being five people’s weights. Store the numbers in an array of doubles. Output the array’s numbers on one line, each number followed by one space. (2 pts) 

.5 Wanh up: People’s weights (Java) {1} Prompt the user to enter five numbers. being five people’s weights. Store the Instructor notes
numbers in an array.r of doubles. Output the array’s numbers on one line, each number ‘ followed by one space. {2 pts} While you will be submitting this assignment through
Zyboolcs, matte sure you are still applying
Ex: appropriate formatfing and in-line commenting. Enter weight 1: 236
Enter weight 2: 89.5
Enter weight 3: 142
Enter weight 4: 166.3
Enter weight 5: 93 You entered: 236.0 89.5 142.0 166.3 93.3 [2) Also output the total weight, by summing the array’s elements. [1 pt}
[3} Also output the average of the army’s elements. [1 pt}
{4} Also output the max array element. {2 pts)

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