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Module Two Assignment

IT145 Module Two Assignment Guidelinesand Rubric Overview: Thisassignment will allow you to use pseudocode to implement the program to see the value in planningfirst, codinglater. While codingisthe glamorouspart of the job, software development isa processwith many steps. The program itself will focuson operatorsto complete an equation. Prompt: Before completingthisassignment, be sure to review the Module Two resources. Use the Guide to Pseudocode document to write out the pseudocode for the given problem: Imagine that you are a merchant and need to keep better tabson your merchandise to know when to reorder supplies. First, write out pseudocode, and then create a program to help you by accomplishingthe followingtasks: Use command line interface to ask the user to input the following. (You will need to convert thisfrom a stringto an integer.) ○ How many applesare on hand ○ How many applesshould be in stock ○ How many orangesare on hand ○ How many orangesshould be in stock Perform an operation to determine how many of each item should be ordered to maintain the stock. Use command line interface to output the number of applesand orangesthat need to be ordered. Once you have the program laid out, build it by creatinga functional program. Use your pseudocode asa guide. Be sure to remember the followingimportant items: Follow the style guidelinesfound in ZyBooksasyou develop. Use commentingto describe the code. Practice debuggingif you encounter errors. Ensure your program performsitsintended function. Specifically, the followingcritical elementsmust be addressed: I. Documentation: Pseudocode: Break down the problem statement into programmingtermsthrough creation of pseudocode followingthe guidelines provided in the course. II. FunctioningCode: Produce fully functioningcode (a code that producesno errors) that alignswith the accompanyingannotations. III. Code Results: Resultsare properly generated. A. Code resultsgenerate accurate output. B. Code resultsproduce resultsthat are streamlined, efficient, and error free. IV. Comments: All code should be well-commented. Thisisa practiced art that requiresstrikinga balance between commentingeverything, which addsa great deal of unneeded noise to the code, and commentingnothing. A. Explain the purpose of linesor sectionsof your code, detailingthe approach and method the programmer took to achieve a specific task in the code. V. Style and Structure: Part of the lesson to be learned in thiscourse ishow to write code that isclearly readable and formatted in an organized manner. A. Develop logically organized code that can be modified and maintained. B. Utilize proper syntax, style, and language conventionsand best practices. Guidelines for Submission: Submit your pseudocode asa DOCor DOCXfile. Submit the program asa JAVAfile. Instructor Feedback: Thisactivity usesan integrated rubric in Blackboard. Studentscan view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions. Rubric Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Documentation: Pseudocode Mee “Proficien ” cri eria an demonstratesthorough understanding of the creation of pseudocode Breaksdown the problem statement into programming termsthrough the creation of pseudocode Breaksdown the problem statement into programming termsthrough the creation of pseudocode, but pseudocode containsinaccuraciesor explanation isillogical or incomplete Doesnot break down the problem statement into programming termsthrough the creation of pseudocode 10 FunctioningCode Producesfully functioning code (a code that producesno errors) that alignswith the accompanying annotations Producespartially functioning code (a code that produces almost no errors) that partially alignswith the accompanying annotations Doesnot produce functioning code 20 Code Results: Accurate Output Mee “Proficien ” cri eria an the code iscapable of producing accurate results beyond the specificationsof the given problem Generatescode resultswith accurate output Generatescode with incorrect resultsfor the given problem Doesnot produce resultsfor the given problem 15 Code Results: Efficiency Mee “Proficien ” criteria and includessophisticated techniquessuch aserror handling or reference to usercreated functions Producescode resultsthat are streamlined, efficient, and error free Producesresultsthat are minimally inefficient (e.g., multiple minor occurrencesof convoluted code; alternative code element would achieve resultsin a simpler manner) Doesnot produce code results that are streamlined, efficient, and error free 20 Comments: Explanation of Purpose Mee “Proficien ” cri eria an clarity of annotationsfacilitates code navigation for a varied audience; code iswritten in a concise manner Explainsthe purpose of linesor sectionsof the code, detailing the approach and method the programmer took to achieve a specific task in the code Explainsthe purpose of linesor sectionsof the code, detailing the approach and method the programmer took to achieve a specific task in the code, but explanation hasinaccurate and/or missing details Doesnot explain the purpose of linesor sectionsof the code 20 Style and Structure: Logically Organized Code Mee “Proficien ” cri eria an demonstratesdeliberate attention to spacing, whitespace, and variable naming Developslogically organized code that can be modified and maintained Developslogically organized code that can be modified and maintained but with portions that are not logically organized Doesnot develop logically organized code that can be modified and maintained 5 Style and Structure: Syntax Mee “Proficien ” cri eria an demonstratesan understanding of why certain techniquesare considered best practices Utilizesproper syntax, style, and language conventionsand best practices Utilizesproper syntax, style, and language conventionsand best practices, but with some errors Doesnot utilize proper syntax, style, and language conventionsand best practices 10 Total 100%

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