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IT 380 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview:

IT 380 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview: For the final project in this course, you will assume the role of a training manager at a cybersecurity firm needing to create a training manual for new information security analyst hires. For Milestone One, complete the introduction and core tenets of cybersecurity sections of the manual. Prompt: You will submit the introduction and core tenets of cybersecurity sections of the training manual. The training manual will include a discussion of the purpose and value of cybersecurity, illuminate core tenets of cybersecurity, and illustrate best practices for addressing common threat scenarios. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction: In this part of the training manual, you will explain the value of CyberLeet Technologies as a provider of services to their clients. Describe the organization of the business, the new hire’s role, and the overall purpose of the manual. Review the directions in each section of the manual template to guide your response. Be sure you delete all of the directions in each section prior to finalizing the information. A. Explain the value of CyberLeet Technologies as a provider of cybersecurity services to its client businesses. Why is there demand for information security in a business environment? How do cybersecurity issues impact business resources, including finances, people, and time? B. Describe the overall role of the new hire as an information security analyst. What are the main functions of the job? What should be their ultimate goal once they are assigned to clients? C. Finally, explain the purpose for this manual. Why is it important that information security analysts apply the principles and practices outlined in this manual? What is at stake if they do not appropriately apply their training and provide high-quality services to the client businesses? II. Core Tenets of Cybersecurity: In this part of the training manual, you will address the three core tenets of cybersecurity: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. For each of these areas, you will explain the significance as a core tenet and define each term, giving specific details and examples to illustrate its meaning in a business context. A. Explain the significance of confidentiality as a core tenet of cybersecurity. Be sure to define the term and use specific details and examples to illustrate its meaning in a business context. B. Explain the significance of integrity as a core tenet of cybersecurity. Be sure to define the term and use specific details and examples to illustrate its meaning in a business context. C. Explain the significance of availability as a core tenet of cybersecurity. Be sure to define the term and use specific details and examples to illustrate its meaning in a business context. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Use the template provided to complete this assignment. Review each section and follow the prompts accordingly. All prompts should be deleted. Remember, you are responsible for every section of a completed training manual. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Introduction: Value of Cybersecurity Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates deep appreciation for the value of cybersecurity within business environments Explains the value of cybersecurity services for businesses using specific supporting examples Explains the value of cybersecurity services for businesses but is lacking in necessary detail or fails to use specific supporting examples Does not explain the value of cybersecurity services for businesses 20 Introduction: Role of the New Hire Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates keen insight into the role of cybersecurity within business environments Describes the role and ultimate goals of an information security analyst, using specific detail Describes the role and goals of an information security analyst but with gaps in accuracy or necessary detail Does not describe the role and goals of an information security analyst 15 Introduction: Purpose of the Manual Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates deep appreciation for the value of cybersecurity within business environments Explains the purpose of the training manual in terms of what is at stake for a business if it does not have appropriate cybersecurity policies and practices Explains the purpose of the training manual but fails to clearly illustrate what is at stake for a business if it does not have appropriate cybersecurity policies and practices Does not explain the purpose of the training manual 15 Core Tenets: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates nuanced understanding of the core tenets of cybersecurity Defines and explains the significance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability as core tenets of cybersecurity, including specific details and examples to illustrate Defines and explains the significance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability as core tenets of cybersecurity but fails to illustrate with specific details and examples or contains inaccuracies Does not define and explain the significance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability as core tenets of cybersecurity 50 Total 100%

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