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IT 200 Network Configuration

IT 200 Network Configuration Activity Guidelines and Rubric Understanding basic network terminology and the rationale for specific network configurations is key for understanding IT. Ensure that you have reviewed the blog Basic Computer Networking Terminology. For this submission:  Create a bulleted list that identifies and defines key concepts for network configuration.  Write a brief one- to two-paragraph summary of the home network configuration provided in this image. Specifically, the following must be addressed: 1. Definition and roles of: 1.1. IP Address and DNS 1.2. Server and Client 1.3. VPN 1.4. Firewalls 1.5. LAN versus WAN 2. Summary describing the home network configuration Guidelines for Submission: The Network Configuration Activity should follow these formatting guidelines: Word document that is one page maximum with 12- point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Definition of IP Address and DNS Meets “Proficient” criteria and indicates their relationship Accurately defines IP address and DNS and their roles Attempts to define IP address and DNS and their roles; however, information is incomplete or inaccurate Does not define IP address and DNS and their roles 15 Definition of Server and Client Meets “Proficient” criteria and indicates their relationship Accurately defines Server and Client and their roles Attempts to define Server and Client and their roles; however, information is incomplete or inaccurate Does not define Server and Client and their roles 15 Definition of VPN Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides an example Accurately describes the concept of VPN Attempts to describe the concept of VPN; however, information is missing or inaccurate Does not provide a description of VPN 15 Definition of a Firewall Meets “Proficient” criteria and describes the importance of firewalls Accurately defines the concept of a firewall Attempts to define the concept of a firewall; however, information is missing or inaccurate Does not define a firewall 15 Definition of LANs and WANs Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides examples of LANs and WANs Accurately defines the concepts of LANs and WANs Attempts to define the concepts of LANs and WANs; however, information is missing or inaccurate Does not define LANs and WANs 15 Summary Description of Network Configuration Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides a comprehensive description of the relationships among the components Describes the home network configuration provided, including the peripherals and type of network Describes the home network configuration provided; however, information is missing or inaccurate Does not describe the home network configuration provided 25 Total 100%

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