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Max, you provided a nice introduction to the organization you intend to work with in this class for the project. You included some nice information about the organization which will be useful later in this project. Great job with your introduction to Amazon and describing its main purpose.

Max, you provided important information on the primary (main) functions of the organization, helping the reader understand the nature of their business.

Max, you describe Amazon employee composition and helping the reader to understand the size of the workforce.

Max, you provide great and useful information about the number of locations

Max , you described who the key people are and their role in the organization. As previously stated, the time, effort, and research now should prove to be useful and helpful to you in future assignments related to this project. This section would be stronger if you gave provided a rationale for the people you selected to attend your session and why you choose not to invite key managers.

Primary Purpose is an  Online Retail business. The division is an individual of the greatest growing internationally as well as is outperforming the traditional retail bazaar. It was formed behind 1995 as well as it was simply the Internet that prepared it possible for commerce not simply to be started but to become an individual of the flourishing divisions in the industry environment. The formation of e-mail had a vast impact on the growth of online retail with introducing a quick and simple way to talk with buyers. (Winter, 2014)

Amazon presents such a wide selection, which directs othercompanies’ hostile with its goods and facilities. Amazon’s opponents contain internet retail, and also, online store and sellwebsites; chiefly eBay, Yahoo, Taobao,and Alibaba. The company offers a range of goods and services towards its buyers: books, and also, music as well as video/DVD; electronics, devices, and kitchen tools; apparel as well as toys. By associating through other online vendors, it permitted the capability to offer e-commerce procedures through their original technology as well as to benefit from upon e-commerce proficiency. This permitted that corporation to advantage from Amazon’s previously high interchange.

Amazon’s center on the purchaser and its persistent modernization has won it extra than a few supporters. The corporation’s Prime sponsorship program, which presents a host of perks, counting free two-day transport for $99/year, has approximately 50 million associates according to towards some approximations and persists to grow as well as force Amazon’s sales. The company has recorded total profits of fifteen dollars billion in firstprincipal three-quarters of the year 2013, and also, which is twenty percent higher than total earnings during the same era in 2012.

Primary Functions

Amazon’s planned in the E-commerce part in the recent period and how it (the corporation) has been proficient to preserve competitive benefit by constantly developing itself in the dynamic bazaar. Amazon’s sales are from media, household product, groceries, electronics, other everydaygoods and non-retail deeds such as other vendor sites, co-produced credit card contracts and different advertising and promotional deeds.

We direct purchasers to our websites from side to side some aimed online advertising channels like as connects program, sponsored explore, portal marketing, e-mail promotions and other plans. The advertising expenses are chiefly variable related to the development and transform in ex. rates.  (Shaughnessy, 2012)

Amazon advertising costs enhanced from 344 dollars million towards 482 dollars million in the year 2007 and 2008 correspondingly due to enhanced spending in uneven online advertising channels, like as company Associates program as well as sponsored explore programs. With the year 2009, we had deserved $406million on advertising; a 30% enhance from 313 dollars million in the year 2008.

Number of Employees and Locations

Amazonemploysapproximatively 341,000 workers.Amazon amount of contractor uses Amazon also applies contractors mainly for localization, information verification, checking, and so on. For catalog experts, the work engages “Working through the Amazon Direct Video description characteristics, library, as well as functionality. Find the way internal tools to exploit efficiency inside the X-Ray application.

Amazon’s international headquarters are mainly in fourteen office blocks in “Seattle’s the South Lake Union” area, developed especially with Vulcan Company from 2008 onward. The first eleven buildings were obtained from Vulcan in the year 2012 at a price of 1.16 dollar billion. The corporation earlier headquartered in borrowed space inside the Pacific Medical Center, situated in the metropolis’s Beacon Hill area, from 1998 towards 2011. Amazon has presently structured a latest three-tower complex mainly in “Seattle’s Denny. The Company has six various websites mostly in the UK, China, Canada, Germany, France, along with Japan.  (Johnson, 2010)

Among  of the people who will be invited to the presentation are:

Jeff Bezos is an American technology and retail entrepreneur and investor who is best known as the founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of, which is the world’s largest online shopping retailer.

Manager, Security Analytics: On the charge of the triage and short-term analysis of real-time data feeds (such as system logs and alerts) for potential intrusions.

Senior Security Engineer – Penetration Tester: Perform full cycle engagements of penetration testing on business units independently, or as part of a team, perform manual validation of vulnerabilities, configure, run and monitor automated security testing tools.


Johnson. (2010). Amazon’s smart innovation strategy. Retrieved from

Shaughnessy. (2012). Why Amazon succeeds. Retrieved from amazon-succeeds/2/

Winter, H. (2014). Trade-Offs: An Introduction to Economic Reasoning and Social Issues, Second Edition. Retrieved from

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