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328: Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric

IT 328: Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric

Prompt: For this milestone, you will create a risk management plan. Using the final project scenario you chose in Module One and the plan template provided in the Module Three resources, fill in details about risks in your project. Be sure to include a number of different risks. Add information and details about the risks, and evaluate the risks (as indicated in the template).

Requirements of Submission:The submission should be an Excel document based on the downloaded template.

Instructor Feedback: Students can find their feedback in the Grade Center.

Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Quantity of Risks Seven or more risks are listed (23-25) Five to six risks are listed (20-22) Three to four risks are listed (18-19) One to two risks are listed (0-17) 25
Quality of Risks Each risk has a detailed explanation, operational consequences, and business effects listed     (23-25) Most risks have a complete explanation, operational consequences, and business effects listed     (20-22) Some risks have a complete explanation, operational consequences, and business effects listed, and/or some risks have no information listed (18-19) Few risks are complete with details and information         (0-17) 25
Probability, Impact, and Exposure The probability, impact, and exposure sections are completed with details and supporting information (23-25) The probability, impact, and exposure sections have some detail and information   (20-22) Most of the probability, impact, and exposure sections are complete, but some may be incomplete or empty (18-19) There are gaps in the probability, impact, and exposure sections, or many sections are empty (0-17) 25
Mitigation The mitigation, contingency, and trigger sections are complete with details related to the risk (23-25) The mitigation, contingency, and trigger sections are less than complete, and/or have details not related to the risk (20-22) The mitigation, contingency, and trigger sections have few details and information   (18-19) There are gaps or missing portions in the mitigation, contingency, and trigger sections of the analysis (0-17) 25
Earned Total Comments: 100%
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