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probation and parole 8

Questions were developed from Chapters 7 of the Abadinsky textbook.The quiz is worth 15 semester points (as discussed, to be applied to Final Exam)

Directions: Type the word, concept, or phrase that accurately completes each statement. Please record only that word, concept, or phrase on your answer sheet. Each question is worth one point. For questions that have multiple blanks, you must get all parts of the question correct to get credit for the question. All questions were developed from Chapter 7 of the Abadinsky textbook.

1. The need for _____________________ makes operant conditioning difficult to apply in probation and parole practice.

2. According to Edwin Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory, most criminal and noncriminal behaviors have the same goal which is securing ____________________ and __________________ status.

3. Reality therapy is based on the belief that all of us were born with at least two built-in psychological needs. These include _______________________ & ____________________.

4. According to Scott Wayne, correctional treatment is ___________________ driven.

5. Probation and parole have traditionally been viewed as having two primary goals namely, _______________________ & ________________________.

6. __________________ is the strategy that includes providing information that will help a client to see what steps he or she should take in various situations.

7. Edwin Shur argues for a policy of __________________________ because he believes the negative influence of the delinquent label to be extremely detrimental to the future conduct of youth.

8. According to Gresham Sykes and David Matza, delinquents are able to avoid guilt feelings for their actions by using various techniques of ____________________________.

Directions: Select the answer that best characterizes each statement below. Each question is worth one point. You can simply type A (for true responses) and B (for false responses) on your answer sheets. As noted above, all questions were developed from Chapter 7 of the Abadinsky textbook.

9. The theory underlying the use of group is that the impact provided by worker-client reactions is more powerful than peer interaction within the one-to-one situation of social casework.

a. True

b. False

10. According to David Matza, delinquents are fully committed to a criminal lifestyle and completely reject conventional norms and behavior.

a. True

b. False

11. An assumption of Motivational Interviewing is that people tend to become more committed to that which they hear themselves defend.

a. True

b. False

12. According to Russel, Latessa, and Travis, rehabilitation services are based on sound theoretical principles, while supervision tends to be atheoretical.

a. True

b. False

13. According to your text, probation and parole officers must be able to distinguish between offenders with an inadequate superego from those with a punitive one.

a. True

b. False

14. In assessing clients, one of the assumptions utilized is that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

a. True

b. False

15. According to your text, one of the basic philosophies of probation and parole work is that probation/parole officers should promote independence on the part of their client and should not do anything for the client that the client is capable of doing for himself or herself.

a. True

b. False

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