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Organizations need to be concerned with breaches of security from internal sources

Organizations need to be concerned with breaches of security from internal sources as much (if not more) as from

outside sources. Employees and consultants in an organization often need sensitive information. How can the organization provide access, but still protect against improper usage of this information?

Read the Case Study at the end of Chapter 10.

  • Determines what steps you would recommend for the company to ensure that their security policies are not violated.
  • One of the CEO’s goals is to keep from burdening the employees with too much overhead, so be sure to find a balance between ease of access and formal security measures.

Case Study

Case Study Part 1.png

Case Study Part 2.png

Case Study Part 1.png

CASE STUDY In March 1994, Randal Schwartz was indicted on three
felony counts under the Oregon State Computer Crime Law
and sentenced to 5 years of probation, 480 hours of commu-
nity service, 90 days of deferred jail time. $68,000 of restitu-
tion to Intel. and disclosure of full details surrounding
conviction to any future employer. The complaint against
Randal Schwartz was brought by Intel Corporation, a multi-
national microchip manufactnrer. The charges related to
altering two computer systems without authorization and accessing a computer with intent to commit theft. Randal
Schwartz is a perfect example of someone who does not fit into the stereotype of hackers. Anyone familiar with Perl
will know Schwartz as the author of the definitive Perl instruction guide, Ranting Perl. Schwartz is a frequent
columnist for such technical magazines as Unix Review and Web Techniques.
Randal Schwartz was a consultant for Intel in Oregon for three years before the indictment. Schwartz’s crimes

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