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An obstetrics specialist (baby deliverer) faces a small but nonzero chance of being sued for negligence. You estimate that the chance of being sued in any year is 5%. [If the client is sued] you estimate that there is a 30% chance the client would win the case with costs awarded, a 40% chance the client would win the case but have to pay legal fees of $100,000 and a 30% chance the client would lose the case and have to pay a total of $1,000,000, including all legal fees.


An obstetrics specialist (baby deliverer) faces a small but nonzero chance of being sued for negligence. You

estimate that the chance of being sued in any year is 5%. [If the client is sued] you estimate that there is a 30% chance the client would win the case with costs awarded, a 40% chance the client would win the case but have to pay legal fees of $100,000 and a 30% chance the client would lose the case and have to pay a total of $1,000,000, including all legal fees.

(a) How much would a reasonable yearly insurance premium be?

I got an annual premium of $17,000. Is this correct? If not, please explain.

(b) Pegasus Insurance adjustors are worried about the increasing trend in litigation. They think that the probability of being sued could be as high as 10%. What would an appropriate premium be?

I got an annual premium of $34,000. Is this correct? If not, please explain.

(c) The adjustors also estimate that payouts when clients lose are more likely to be $5,000,000 than $1,000,000 and want to insure on this basis. How much will the premium be?

I got an annual premium of $154,000. Is this correct? If not, please explain.

(d) Pegasus researchers estimate that orthopedic specialties have the following conditions: (1) the chance of being sued is 7%, (2) the chance of winning but without costs awarded is 35% [legal fees ($100,000) are the insurance companies’ responsibility], (3) the chance of losing is 35%, and (4) the amount awarded when a case is lost averages $2,000,000. What is a fair premium for this specialty?

I got an annual premium of $94,450. Is this correct? If not, please explain.

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