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Hello I need help with the following question..20 Debugging: Painting a wall (Java)


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Download the file from Blackboard. This program has five (5) errors in it that require you to debug it. Watch the video on Using the Netbeans Debugger then use your IDE to debug and fix this program. As you find an error, be sure to document what you changed using in-code commenting. Upload the file here to be checked. Below is an explanation of how the program should work.

(1) Prompt the user to input a wall’s height and width. Calculate and output the wall’s area. (Submit for 2 points).

Enter wall height (feet): 12
Enter wall width (feet): 15
Wall area: 180.0 square feet

(2) Extend to also calculate and output the amount of paint in gallons needed to paint the wall. Assume a gallon of paint covers 350 square feet. Store this value using a const double variable. (Submit for 1 points, so 3 points total).

Enter wall height (feet): 12
Enter wall width (feet): 15
Wall area: 180.0 square feet
Paint needed: 0.5142857142857142 gallons

(3) Extend to also calculate and output the number of 1 gallon cans needed to paint the wall. Hint: Use a math function to round up to the nearest gallon. (Submit for 2 points, so 5 points total).

Enter wall height (feet): 12
Enter wall width (feet): 15
Wall area: 180.0 square feet
Paint needed: 0.5142857142857142 gallons
Cans needed: 1 can(s)
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