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you are going to do the reflexion questions and you are going to attached it to the hand off communication you will do as well using the sbar tool

you are going to do the reflexion questions and you are going to attached it to the hand off communication you will do as well using the SBAR tool, I as about a simulation lab

I’m going to put someone else’s work so you can see what it’s about, please put something different because it’s not plegarism

, put the same Vital signs and the same things but use different work, I know if I make myself clear

And Also do the questions

S- Jennifer Hoffman is a 33-year-old female who was brought to the ED for showing signs and symptoms of an asthma attack: SOB, tachycardia, Tachypnea, pale skin and wheezing during inspirations.

B- Jennifer Hoffman is a 33- year- old female who has a history of asthma and is allergic to “Hay Fever”. No other medical conditions are known.

A- The patient is A&Ox4. Vital signs were taken; HR; 144bpm, Pulse- Present +2, BP- 134/80, R- 29, SpO2- 77%, Temp- 99F. The patient was in respiratory distress with audible wheezes during inspiration. The patient’s skin was pale and she was SOB. During auscultation of the lungs, wheezes were heard throughout the lung surface. A continuous ECG was placed on the patient and it showed the patient had sinus tachycardia. The patient was placed on 2L of oxygen via nasal cannula. As per orders, 5mg of Albuterol and 500mcg of Ipratropium were administered via a nebulizer and 100 mg of methylprednisone was pushed via IV. Respiration, heart rate, and SpO2 were checked again: R- 23, HR- 124, SpO2- 93%. Wheezes were still present during inspiration but the patient was not as SOB as before. The patient was educated on what has just happened to her and on the importance of avoiding stimulants that could exacerbate her condition.

R- Continuously monitor the patient for any SOB and her vital signs. Continue educating the patient on the severity of her condition and what to do if she suffers another asthma attack in the future.

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