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style=”color:rgb(34,34,34);background-color:transparent;”> with the following fields:

Design a Payroll class<span< h1=””>

style=”color:rgb(34,34,34);background-color:transparent;”> with the following fields:

name: a String containing the employee’s name

• idNumber: an int representing the employee’s ID number

• rate: a double containing the employee’s hourly pay rate

• hours: an int representing the number of hours this employee has worked

The class should also have the following methods:

Constructor: takes the employee’s name and ID number as arguments

• Accessors: allow access to all of the fields of the Payroll class

• Mutators: let the user assign values to the fields of the Payroll class

• grossPay: returns the employee’s gross pay, which is calculated as the number of

hours worked times the hourly pay rate.

Write program that demonstrates the class by creating a Payroll object, then

asking the user to enter the data for an employee in the order: name, ID number, rate, hours.

The program should then print out a statement in the following format (for example, if

you had an employee named Chris Jacobsen with ID number 11111, who works for 5 hours at



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