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business intelligence its 531 full term

Automated Decision Systems, Expert Systems, Knowledge Management and Collaborative Systems

Investigate the impact of turning off every communication system in a firm (i.e., telephone, fax, television, radio, all computer systems).

1 .)Create a WORD document of at least 500 words (1-2 pages). Make sure you cite any sources you use in your paper and include References at the bottom of your paper with the exact URL where you found these sources. Answer the following questions:

1.1) How effective and efficient would the following types of firms be: airline, bank, insurance company, travel agency, department store, grocery store?

1.2) What would happen?

1.3 )Do customers expect 100 percent uptime? (When was the last time a major airline’s reservation system was down?)

1.4) How long would it be before each type of firm would not be functioning at all?

Big Data, Business Analytics: Emerging Trends and Future Impacts

Search the Internet for Data as a Service (DaaS) and Analytics as a Service (AaaS).

Search the internet for “Block Chain”

2) Create a WORD document of at least 500 words (1-2 pages) on how these concepts and technologies work and how they can be used to support day-to-day decision making. Make sure you cite the sources above in your paper and include References at the bottom of your paper with the exact URL where you found the sources. Answer the following:

2.1) What is the impact of DaaS & AaaS, and Block Chain on business?

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