What is the overarching goal of law ;in Law and Economics

What is the overarching goal of law ;in Law and Economics ? Subject: Law and Economics

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Assume the president signs into law the Border Security Tax.

Assume the president signs into law the Border Security Tax. The stated

purpose of the tax is to raise funds to build a wall at the border of the United States and Mexico in order to stem the tide of illegal immigration.
Discuss whether the Border Security Tax is a valid exercise of the taxing power under Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.

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Consider President Harry Truman’s executive decision

Consider President Harry Truman’s executive decision to seize the steel mills in the

Youngstown Sheet & Tube, Co. v. Sawyer case. Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision that the president’s action exceeded his executive power under the United States Constitution? Fully explain your position.

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The United States has developed a unique combination of both civil and common law.

The United States has developed a unique combination of both civil

and common law. Do the founding documents of the United States: Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights fall within the civil law, common law, or both?

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The civil legal tradition begins to do something very specific that the chthonic legal tradition didn’t, protect identities.

The civil legal tradition begins to do something very specific that the chthonic legal tradition

didn’t, protect identities. Briefly explain how the civil legal tradition protects identities. In addition, does the protection of identities comport with the Christian worldview? Explain why or why not.

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In a small to medium paragraph explain what Civil Legal Tradition is?

In a small to medium paragraph explain what Civil Legal Tradition is?

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explain how Qatar’s dual system may follow the admonition from Jesus that Christians are to

explain how Qatar’s dual system may follow the admonition from Jesus

that Christians are to “[r]ender to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Mark 12:17).

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Hindu and Confucian Legal systems and traditions

Hindu and Confucian Legal systems and traditions

Explain 2 similarities and 2 differences between the Hindu and Confucian Legal Traditions.

Please explain with more than a few sentences

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explain Hindu and Confucian Legal systems and traditions.


Hindu and Confucian Legal systems and traditions. list 5 way they are similar and different to each other.

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Make a comparative analysis of legal positivism and natural law legal theories.

Make a comparative analysis of legal positivism and natural law legal theories.

  1. Comparative analysis of the legal theories;
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