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Research Methods/Critique

I. Select one journal article concerning culture and psychology or social justice. (Please make sure that your journal article is not a meta-analysis. The journal article should be about one research study.)

Approved Academic Journals available in our library and can be assessed online:

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, American Psychologist, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Journal of Applied Psychology, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Psychology, and American Journal of Community Psychology.

II. Include the following in your paper. Please include in the order listed below.

A. Background of the Study

  1. Title and Author(s) of the Article
    • Include Title of Journal (including year of publication of the article).
    • Do the researcher(s) qualifications/position indicate a degree of knowledge in the field?
    • Does the title accurately describe the article?
  2. Purpose/Research Problem
    • What is the topic or research question/hypothesis of this study?
    • Is it clearly defined?
    • What are the ways this study speaks to your question or topic of interest?
  3. Theoretical framework & type of study
    • Identify the primary perspective/theoretical framework of the journal article.
    • Is it demographic in its perspective on diversity? Is the perspective ideological? Is the perspective political in nature, or oriented toward social justice? In other words, how, overall, do the authors of the paper define and conceive of the topic of diversity?
    • Is it Indigenous, Cross-Cultural validation, or Cross-Cultural comparison?
  4. Sample of the study and selection procedure
    • How were the sample collected?
    • Is it of adequate size?
  5. Ethical Considerations
    • Were the participants fully informed about the nature of the research?
    • Were the four fundamental moral principles: autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice supported?
    • Is there evidence of bias or a conflict of interest?
  6. Method used in the present study
    • Has the data gathering instrument been described? Is it appropriate?
    • Were reliability and validity testing undertaken and the results discussed?
    • How was the questionnaire distributed, how was the interview conducted, how was the experiment conducted, etc.)?
  7. Data analysis/Results
    • What type of data and statistical analysis was undertaken?
    • How many of the sample participated?

B. Article Critique Summary

  1. Confidence in Results
    • Do you have confidence in the research findings? (Were there critical flaws in the study’s design?)
  2. Generalizability
    • Does the study generalize to other people that were not the subject of the research? (For example, elementary school study results being generalized to all human population.)
    • Were the strengths and limitations of the study including generalizability discussed?
  3. Implications
    • What does the study mean in the big picture and how does it apply to society in “general”? (How does this study and its results impact society in general?)
    • Was the significance of the findings discussed?
  4. Suggested Improvements
    • Was a recommendation for future research made?
    • How might you redo the study if you were to conduct it?
  5. Overall Summary

APA & Reference Sheet
 Double spaced with 1” margins
 12 points Font, New Times Roman
 Running Head and Page numbers
 Title Page to include: Title, Name, School Name, Course # & Title, Date (All Double Spaced)
 Length is Sufficient (Minimum 6 pages)
 Reference Citation is Centered on separate page and cited correctlySWHS 331/Psyc 368
Research Methods/Critique Paper (Detailed Rubric can be found in Canvas)- 90 points
Goals of this assignment:

 Become familiar with locating and reviewing articles of the academic journals.
 Understand the general research procedure.
 Develop skills for the basics of critique and evaluation of research articles. This will allow you to compare/contrast research biases, recognize the impact of culture and minority status on basic psychological processes, etc.
 Learn & Apply APA guidelines.

Papers are to be written in APA style and submitted through Canvas no later than 9/27/2020.
Length of paper: Minimum 6 Pages (Including Cover and Reference Page)

I. Select one journal article concerning culture and psychology or social justice. (Please make sure that your journal article is not a meta-analysis. The journal article should be about one research study.)

Approved Academic Journals available in our library and can be assessed online:

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, American Psychologist, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Journal of Applied Psychology, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Psychology, and American Journal of Community Psychology.

II. Include the following in your paper. Please include in the order listed below.

A. Background of the Study

  1. Title and Author(s) of the Article
    • Include Title of Journal (including year of publication of the article).
    • Do the researcher(s) qualifications/position indicate a degree of knowledge in the field?
    • Does the title accurately describe the article?
  2. Purpose/Research Problem
    • What is the topic or research question/hypothesis of this study?
    • Is it clearly defined?
    • What are the ways this study speaks to your question or topic of interest?
  3. Theoretical framework & type of study
    • Identify the primary perspective/theoretical framework of the journal article.
    • Is it demographic in its perspective on diversity? Is the perspective ideological? Is the perspective political in nature, or oriented toward social justice? In other words, how, overall, do the authors of the paper define and conceive of the topic of diversity?
    • Is it Indigenous, Cross-Cultural validation, or Cross-Cultural comparison?
  4. Sample of the study and selection procedure
    • How were the sample collected?
    • Is it of adequate size?
  5. Ethical Considerations
    • Were the participants fully informed about the nature of the research?
    • Were the four fundamental moral principles: autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice supported?
    • Is there evidence of bias or a conflict of interest?
  6. Method used in the present study
    • Has the data gathering instrument been described? Is it appropriate?
    • Were reliability and validity testing undertaken and the results discussed?
    • How was the questionnaire distributed, how was the interview conducted, how was the experiment conducted, etc.)?
  7. Data analysis/Results
    • What type of data and statistical analysis was undertaken?
    • How many of the sample participated?

B. Article Critique Summary

  1. Confidence in Results
    • Do you have confidence in the research findings? (Were there critical flaws in the study’s design?)
  2. Generalizability
    • Does the study generalize to other people that were not the subject of the research? (For example, elementary school study results being generalized to all human population.)
    • Were the strengths and limitations of the study including generalizability discussed?
  3. Implications
    • What does the study mean in the big picture and how does it apply to society in “general”? (How does this study and its results impact society in general?)
    • Was the significance of the findings discussed?
  4. Suggested Improvements
    • Was a recommendation for future research made?
    • How might you redo the study if you were to conduct it?
  5. Overall Summary

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